Statue of Liberty was gifted by France to Us in the year...? Mcqs

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Statue of Liberty was gifted by France to Us in the year...?

(i) 1886
(ii) 1896

(iii) 1906
(iv) 1976

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Naira is the currency of...?

(i) Niger
(ii) Nigeria

(iii) Tajik
(iv) Taztars

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Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into Areas...?

(i) frames
(ii) theme

(iii) table of contents
(iv) none of the above

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How many were the members of Basic Democracies from East Pakistan...?

(i) 40000
(ii) 50000

(iii) 60000
(iv) 70000

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Shortcut key for page break in MS Word:...?

(i) Ctrl+Enter
(ii) Ctrl+Space

(iii) Shift+Enter
(iv) None of these

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What is the largest desert in the world...?

(i) Gobi
(ii) sahara

(iii) Thar
(iv) Antarctic Desert

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1 km equals to how many metres...?

(i) 100 metres
(ii) 1000 metres

(iii) 10000 metres
(iv) None of these

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Mahia Peninsula is located in __________...?

(i) Australia
(ii) Malaysia

(iii) Japan
(iv) New Zealand

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What should you do if you require pasting the same format in many places...?

(i) Double click the format painter then go on pasting in many places
(ii) Click the format painter then go on pasting to many places holding Ctrl Key

(iii) Click the Format painter and go on pasting in many places holding Alt Key
(iv) All of above

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The dead body of Muslim male is wrapped in three sheets, female is coffined in how many sheets ...?

(i) Three Sheets
(ii) Four Sheets

(iii) Five Sheets
(iv) Seven Sheets

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