Stephen Hawking is known for...? Mcqs

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Stephen Hawking is known for...?

(i) Evolution Theory
(ii) Black Hole Theory

(iii) String Theory
(iv) Quantum Computing

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Hazrat Younas AS remained in the belly of the fish for:...?

(i) 20 days
(ii) 30 days

(iii) 40 days
(iv) 50 days

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The antonym of “Impertinent” is:...?

(i) Kind
(ii) Polite

(iii) Noble
(iv) Mannered

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Pakistan purchased Gwadar from which country:...?

(i) Singapore
(ii) Oman

(iii) China
(iv) Egypt

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Synonym of “chicanery” is _________...?

(i) foulness
(ii) aroma

(iii) chastity
(iv) trickery

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Spot the substitute for the given sentence:A speech delivered without preparation...?

(i) Emigrate
(ii) Exaggerate

(iii) Extempore
(iv) Excommunicate

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In which Surah the story of Karoon is mentioned...?

(i) Sura Qasas
(ii) Sura Maida

(iii) Sura Baraat
(iv) Sura Lael

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Taxila engineering produces ______...?

(i) Aero plane
(ii) small armor

(iii) Missiles and tanks
(iv) Cooking instruments

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City of canals?...?

(i) Egypt
(ii) Israel

(iii) Venice
(iv) Romania

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Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Anomalous...?

(i) Usual
(ii) Connected

(iii) Vicious
(iv) None of these

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