Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on...? Mcqs

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Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on...?

(i) bits per inch of tracks
(ii) disk pack in disk surface

(iii) All of the above
(iv) tracks per inch of surface

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The world's largest Computer Company by sales is:...?

(i) Aser
(ii) IBM

(iii) Microsoft
(iv) Apple

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'IBN Battutah' a famous traveler belonged to...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Syria

(iii) Morocco
(iv) Indonessia

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Nandana Fort is situated in:...?

(i) Jhelum
(ii) Swat

(iii) Karachi
(iv) Hyderabad

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You need to jump to the next column breaking current column right at the cursor position. How can you break column...?

(i) Pressing Ctrl+Enter
(ii) Pressing Alt+Shift+Enter

(iii) Break command from Insert menu
(iv) Both b and c

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What was the duration of Hazrat Ali’s (R.A) Khilafat...?

(i) 4 years
(ii) 3 years

(iii) 2 years
(iv) None of these

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Second Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was _______....?

(i) Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Sauda (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Khadeja (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Hafsa (RA)

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The first network that initiated Internet was:...?

(i) Vnet
(ii) Inet

(iv) NSFNet

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Moawakhat (the brotherhood) took place in __________ Hijrah ...?

(i) 1st
(ii) 2nd

(iii) 3rd
(iv) 4th

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The tragedy of Karbala took place in ________...?

(i) 645 A.D
(ii) 680 A.D

(iii) 690 A.D
(iv) 670 A.D

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