Study of maps and features of the Universe is called...? Mcqs

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Study of maps and features of the Universe is called...?

(i) Mataphysics
(ii) Cosmography

(iii) Cosmology
(iv) Cartography

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Who is the founder of printing press..?

(i) Wattenberg
(ii) Johannes Gutenberg

(iii) William Cohan
(iv) None of these

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In 1991, prompted by domestic political reforms and democratic momentum in the countries within its orbit, the Soviet Union disintegrated into Russia and...?

(i) Thirteen other countries
(ii) Fourteen other countries

(iii) Fifteen other countries
(iv) Sixteen other countries

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Which of the following institution was established in 1864:...?

(i) MAO College Lahore
(ii) Punjab Training College

(iii) Islamia College Lahore
(iv) Govt College Lahore

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Which one is a famous city of Australia?...?

(i) Milan
(ii) Sydney

(iii) Osaka
(iv) Seoul

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Human Rights Organizations 'Human Rights Watch' is based in..?

(i) Geneva
(ii) New York

(iii) London
(iv) Paris

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"Reuters" is the famous news agency of:...?

(i) USA
(ii) Britain

(iii) France
(iv) Russia

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Current head of Islamic ideology Council:...?

(i) Qibla Ayaz
(ii) Mufti Muneeb ur Rahman

(iii) Abdul Khabir Azad
(iv) None of these

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Torat means _____________...?

(i) Law
(ii) Sign

(iii) Peace
(iv) Good news

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Antonym of ” Dismantle ” is...?

(i) Vie
(ii) Raze

(iii) Outclass
(iv) Build

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