Study of maps and features of the Universe is called...? Mcqs

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Study of maps and features of the Universe is called...?

(i) Mataphysics
(ii) Cosmography

(iii) Cosmology
(iv) Cartography

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Red square is located in _______ city...?

(i) Moscow
(ii) New York

(iii) London
(iv) Ankara

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A Leadership Odyssey was written by...?

(i) Sikandar Hayat
(ii) Stanley Wolpert

(iii) Muhammad Waseem
(iv) Ayesha Jalal

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The name of the daughter of Quaie-e- Azam was:...?

(i) Maryam
(ii) Dina

(iii) Khadija
(iv) None of these

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A student obtain 75%, 80% and 85% in three subjects, if the marks of another subject are added then the number can't be less than...?

(i) 60%
(ii) 70%

(iii) 80%
(iv) None of these

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How many times the word jihad appears in Quran ...?

(i) 30
(ii) 37

(iii) 41
(iv) 45

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Retina Implant AG is a medical technology company which develops a retinal prosthesis for blind patients to gain back lost sight. It belongs to:...?

(i) The USA
(ii) The UK

(iii) Germany
(iv) France

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Vaccination program of Pakistan is:...?

(i) CPI
(ii) EPI

(iii) DPI
(iv) None of these

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Which surah of Holy Quran has bismillah twice...?

(i) Al Ahzaab
(ii) Al Nehal

(iii) Al Namal
(iv) Al Noor

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The diameter of a wheel of a car is 48 cm. If the car travels at an average speed of 3,5 km/h. The number of revolutions made by the wheel per minute is:...?

(i) 09
(ii) 19

(iii) 29
(iv) 39

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