Sumo is considered the national sport of which country...? Mcqs

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Sumo is considered the national sport of which country...?

(i) China
(ii) Japan

(iii) S.Korea
(iv) N.Korea

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Kitab-ul-Shamayel was written by ____________...?

(i) Imam Malik
(ii) Imam Muslim

(iii) Tirmizi
(iv) Imam Yousaf

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What is the meaning of Iman-e-Mujammal...?

(i) The belief in detail
(ii) The belief in known things

(iii) The belief in brief
(iv) The belief in unknown things

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Which one is the capital city of Italy...?

(i) Milan
(ii) Venice

(iii) Turin
(iv) Rome

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Under the Factories Act, 1934 no worker can be required to work in any establishment in excess of:...?

(i) 9 hours a day
(ii) 8 hours a day

(iii) 10 hours a day
(iv) 7 hours a day

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One who is capable of dealing with many subjects is called...?

(i) Genius
(ii) Intellectual

(iii) Versatile
(iv) Vulnerable

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The Tripitaka is sacred book of which religion...?

(i) Hinduism
(ii) Buddhism

(iii) Confucianism
(iv) Taoism

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Ashabus sabt means:___________...?

(i) Jews
(ii) Christians

(iii) Muslims
(iv) Sabieen

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ESPN is one of the biggest satellite TV networks.It stands for...?

(i) Entertainment and Sports Programming Network
(ii) European and Sports Programming Network

(iii) Educational and Sports Programming Network
(iv) None of These

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Increased level of SGOT/AST in blood is an indication of...?

(i) Hepatitis
(ii) Myocardial Infarction

(iii) Anemia
(iv) Tuberculosis

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