Surah Al-Kausar is the shortest surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses Ayaa't is:...? Mcqs

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Surah Al-Kausar is the shortest surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses Ayaa't is:...?

(i) Three
(ii) Four

(iii) Five
(iv) Less then three

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________ is a computer software whose user interface and API resembles that of a printer driver...?

(i) Virtual Printer
(ii) Piotter

(iii) Italy
(iv) Egypt

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The largest ocean of the world is:...?

(i) Atlantic ocean
(ii) Pacific ocean

(iii) Indian ocean
(iv) Arctic ocean

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Which product of Microsoft is not available in Linux operating system...?

(i) Open Source
(ii) MS Access

(iii) Command Line Interface
(iv) None of these

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Which speech of Allama Iqbal is in Urdu and Persian?...?

(i) Azum Psalm

(iii) Armghan Hajaz
(iv) empty

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Choose suitable preposition from below options to complete following sentence: The lion ran ________ the deer and tore it into pieces....?

(i) on
(ii) at

(iii) up
(iv) into

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What does opportunity cost refer to...?

(i) The cost of purchasing an item
(ii) Giving up the opportunity to choose the next best alternative

(iii) The amount of money spent on a product
(iv) The cost of producing a good or service

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How many witness needed in financial transactions in Islam:...?

(i) Two men
(ii) Three men

(iii) Two men and two women
(iv) None of these

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The river which passes through maximum number of countries ...?

(i) Amazon
(ii) Nile

(iii) Indus
(iv) Danube

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The palace of King Nebuchadnezzar was situated in the city of...?

(i) Nineveh
(ii) Babylon

(iii) Korasabad
(iv) Dizful

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