Synonym of “centrifugal” is _________...? Mcqs

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Synonym of “centrifugal” is _________...?

(i) the exact center
(ii) rapid

(iii) moving away from the centre
(iv) consolidated

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The smallest memory unit of computer is:...?

(i) Byte
(ii) Kilobyte

(iii) Megabyte
(iv) Bit

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He is Interested " " painting...?

(i) In
(ii) On

(iii) Off
(iv) out

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Prayers which were essential in the early period of Islam...?

(i) Fajar and Zuhar
(ii) Fajr and Isha

(iii) Fajr and Asar
(iv) Fajr and Magrib

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The Warsaw Pact was dissolved in...?

(i) 1988
(ii) 1989

(iii) 1990
(iv) 1991

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Synonym of Gaol is ___________...?

(i) Purpose
(ii) Quod

(iii) Objective
(iv) None of These

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How many times “Fabi Ala i Rabbikuma Tukazziban “mentioned in Surah Rahman...?

(i) 34 times
(ii) 30 times

(iii) 33 times
(iv) 31 times

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Which of the following museums is home to Leonardo da Vinci's iconic masterpiece, the "Mona Lisa", painted between 1503 and 1506...?

(i) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
(ii) The National Gallery, London

(iii) The Louvre Museum, Paris
(iv) The Vatican Museums, Vatican City

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The Office of District Magistrate was abolished through...?

(i) Local Government Ordinance 2001
(ii) Police Order 2002

(iii) Amendments in the code of Criminal Procedure
(iv) 17th amendment in the constitution

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Ronald Ross discovered the cause of:...?

(i) Polio
(ii) Malaria

(iii) AIDS
(iv) None of these

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