Synonym of Chastity...? Mcqs

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Synonym of Chastity...?

(i) To abstain from sexual relation
(ii) To engulf in sexual relation

(iii) To whip someone
(iv) To infertile someone

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The cube root of 0.000126 is...?

(i) 0.06
(ii) 0.6.

(iii) 0.006
(iv) 0.0006

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Hazrat Muhammad. (SAW) went to Syria with Abu-Talib at the age of__________...?

(i) 12 years
(ii) 15 years

(iii) 24 years
(iv) 35 years

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When National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) was established...?

(i) 1948
(ii) 1949

(iii) 1950
(iv) 1951

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1st COP (Conference of Parties) was held in which city...?

(i) Kyoto, Japan
(ii) Berlin, Germany

(iii) Paris, France
(iv) None of these

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The literal meaning of Soam is ______....?

(i) To Leave Something
(ii) To Avoid Something

(iii) Both (a) & (b)
(iv) None of these

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The headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is in_________?

(i) Rome, Italy
(ii) Paris, France

(iii) New York, US
(iv) None

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My friend and I are going to party. Here I is:...?

(i) Subjective case
(ii) Genitive case

(iii) Objective case
(iv) None of these

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which Excel tool allows you to set specific conditions for data entry ensuring accuracy and consistency in your analysis...?

(i) goal seek
(ii) data validation

(iii) scenario manager
(iv) pivot table

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Auspicious means...?

(i) Favorable
(ii) Generous

(iii) Unfavorable
(iv) Sinister

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