Synonym of “disconcert” is _________...? Mcqs

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Synonym of “disconcert” is _________...?

(i) sing in harmony
(ii) pretend

(iii) cancel program
(iv) confuse

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Founder of homeopathy is...?

(i) Samuel Hahnemann
(ii) Johnson Hahnemann

(iii) John Aristotle
(iv) None of these

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In Which Surah the Holy Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain...?

(i) Surah An-Nur
(ii) Surah Noon

(iii) Surah Al Mujadala
(iv) Surah Al Kahaf

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Spam or fraudulent E mails are also called...?

(i) Phishing scams
(ii) Junk mail

(iii) Pharming scams
(iv) Malware viruses

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In SI unit of time Picosecond is equal to how many seconds:...?

(i) 10
(ii) 10-12

(iii) 10-18
(iv) None of these

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Cells in MS Excel can be uniquely identified by:...?

(i) Column letters and row numbers
(ii) Column numbers and row letters

(iii) Cell coordinates
(iv) None of these

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When the stock market is rising it is called...?

(i) Bearish
(ii) Bullish

(iii) Hot
(iv) Rising up

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Synonym of Chastity...?

(i) To abstain from sexual relation
(ii) To engulf in sexual relation

(iii) To whip someone
(iv) To infertile someone

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Synonym of MEEK...?

(i) Tame
(ii) Stingy

(iii) Jab
(iv) Frail

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Which country took over the rotating presidency of the EU in January 2024...?

(i) Sweden
(ii) Poland

(iii) France
(iv) Germany

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