Synonym of “dormant” is _______________....? Mcqs

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Synonym of “dormant” is _______________....?

(i) animated
(ii) hibernating

(iii) active
(iv) vigorous

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Antonym of “brazen” is...?

(i) Bashful
(ii) Boisterous

(iii) Noisy
(iv) Heated

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1 metric ton is equal to...?

(i) 100 KG
(ii) 500 KG

(iii) 1000 KG
(iv) 10000 KG

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The deepest mine in the world continent of ___________...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Europe

(iii) Asia
(iv) North America

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Who is considered one of the great investors in the world:...?

(i) Bill Gates
(ii) Elon Musk

(iii) Warren Buffet
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Incredulous is _____________...?

(i) Dishonest
(ii) Honest

(iii) Reliable
(iv) Unreliable

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Synonym of ” Boulevard ” is _____________...?

(i) Vortex
(ii) Turbulence

(iii) Avenue
(iv) Whirlpool

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During a race, a race car burns fuel at a constant rate. After 4th lap 4 the car has 22 gallons left in its tank. After 7th lap, the car has 18 gallons left in its tank. Assuming the racecar does not refuel then how many laps are made at the end...?

(i) 10
(ii) 12

(iii) 14
(iv) 16

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Printer is an example of, that related to...?

(i) Output device
(ii) Input device

(iii) Photocopy
(iv) None of these

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Which part of speech can create a sentence on its own...?

(i) Interjection
(ii) conjunction

(iii) Adjective
(iv) Adverb

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