Synonym of “hyperbole” is _________...? Mcqs

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Synonym of “hyperbole” is _________...?

(i) turning point
(ii) high excitement

(iii) swear word
(iv) obvious exaggeration

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Pakistan launched an operation in Kashmir in 1965 which was called operation:...?

(i) Neptune Spear
(ii) Barbarossa

(iii) Zarb-e-Azb
(iv) Gibraltar

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Name the Ummul-Mumineen who have narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)...?

(i) Hazrat Hifsa (Radi-Allahu Anha)
(ii) Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (Radi-Allahu Anha)

(iii) Hazrat Khadijah (Radi-Allahu Anha)
(iv) Hazrat Zainib (Radi-Allahu Anha)

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Hazrat Qasim was the son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and _________________....?

(i) Zaynab bint Khuzayma
(ii) Rayhana bint Zayd

(iii) Hazrat Khadija
(iv) Maria al-Qibtiyya

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Which shortcut key is used to use the find and replace feature...?

(i) CTRL + H
(ii) CTRL + F

(iii) CTRL + G
(iv) CTRL + R

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When did Mahatma Gandhi leave politics...?

(i) 1934
(ii) 1920

(iii) 1942
(iv) None of these

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What is the Synonym of AFICIONADOS...?

(i) Enthusiast
(ii) Critic

(iii) Indifferent
(iv) Rival

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Dar-es-Salaam is the major City of:...?

(i) Tanzania
(ii) Nigeria

(iii) Kenya
(iv) Uganda

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Synonym of Sumptuous is _____________...?

(i) Swampy
(ii) Irritable

(iii) Meager
(iv) Splendid

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How many times France won the FIFA World Cup...?

(i) One
(ii) Two

(iii) Three
(iv) Four

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