Synonym of Incredulous is...? Mcqs

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Synonym of Incredulous is...?

(i) Hishonest
(ii) Honest

(iii) Reliable
(iv) Unreliable

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Antonym of “Lenient” is ...?

(i) Easy Going
(ii) Long Suffering

(iii) Strict
(iv) Liberal

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The oldest Internet following is: Search Engine among the...?

(i) Google
(ii) MSN Search

(iii) Yahoo
(iv) Alta Vista

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AWACS is an abbreviation of...?

(i) Airborne warming and Control system
(ii) Air waning and Control system

(iii) Aireborne warning and communication system
(iv) None of these

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the address of the cell at 26th column and 30th row is...?

(i) 26, 30
(ii) AA30

(iii) A2630Y
(iv) None of these

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60 men can do a work in 40 days. How long will it take 40 men to complete the same work...?

(i) 30 days
(ii) 29 days

(iii) 23 days
(iv) 60 days

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Hangar: Airplane: Garage:...?

(i) Steak
(ii) Runway

(iii) Oil
(iv) Automobile

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The Nobel Peace Prize 2012 in the field of “Peace” was awarded to...?

(i) European Union (EU)
(ii) North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

(iii) Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
(iv) United Nations Security Council

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Antonym of FRIVOLOUS is...?

(i) Trival
(ii) Silly

(iii) Petty
(iv) Wise

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What is Basin?...?

(i) Deep Area in land
(ii) Deep Area in Ocean

(iii) Deep Area in River
(iv) None of these

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