Synonym of “knack” is _____________....? Mcqs

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Synonym of “knack” is _____________....?

(i) bruise
(ii) ability

(iii) keepsake
(iv) scoundrel

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Which continent comprises the land around the South Pole ...?

(i) Asia
(ii) Africa

(iii) Antarctica
(iv) Europe

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The total Area of the Capital of Pakistan ‘Islamabad’ is ...?

(i) 800 sq Km
(ii) 850 sq Km

(iii) 900 sq Km
(iv) 906 sq Km

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The noble Peace prize 2008 has been awarded MarttiAhtisarri for his efforts in conflict resolution on different continents: he is a former president of...?

(i) Chile
(ii) Netherlands

(iii) Finland
(iv) Argentine

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Azad Pattan project will be constructed on which river:...?

(i) Indus
(ii) Jhelum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) None of these

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The grave of the Prophet was prepared by ...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakar
(ii) Hazrat Umar

(iii) Hazrat Usman
(iv) Hazrat Abu Talha

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423 a divisible by:...?

(i) 21
(ii) 47

(iii) 17
(iv) 43

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Where did Allama Iqbal make his first public proposal for a separate state for Muslim...?

(i) Lahore
(ii) Allahabad

(iii) Delhi
(iv) Simla

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Antonym of ” Applicable ” is ...?

(i) Irrelevant
(ii) Minifidian

(iii) Cynical
(iv) Upset

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The seal affixed on important letters by the Holy prophet (S.A.W) was in the custody of...?

(i) Hazrat Ali (R.A)
(ii) Hazrat Qais(R.A)

(iii) Hazrat Khuzaifa(R.A)
(iv) Hazrat Bilal (R.A)

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