Synonym of ” Plunder ” is _____________...? Mcqs

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Synonym of ” Plunder ” is _____________...?

(i) Loot
(ii) Blush

(iii) Expedite
(iv) Ease

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There are _________ stages in Holy Quran....?

(i) 5
(ii) 7

(iii) 9
(iv) 11

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Synonym of Bellicose ____________...?

(i) Navel
(ii) Amusing

(iii) hostile
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “chicanery” is _________...?

(i) foulness
(ii) aroma

(iii) chastity
(iv) trickery

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World Mental Health Day is observed every year on _____________...?

(i) October 10
(ii) October 12

(iii) October 13
(iv) October 11

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The theory about the beginning of the universe by a huge explosion is called...?

(i) Binary
(ii) Black Hole

(iii) Big Bang
(iv) Steady State

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Change the narration the officer said to the peon. "If you do not do your duty well. I will dismiss you"

(i) The officer told the peon that if he did not do his duty well
(ii) The officer threatened to dismiss the peon if he did not do his duty well

(iii) The officer suggested to the peon that if he did not do his duty well,
(iv) The officer told the peon that he would be dismissed

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Photosynthesis occurs in:...?

(i) Chloroplast
(ii) Endoplasmic reticulum

(iii) Golgi body
(iv) Nucleus

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Ranikot fort is located in which province...?

(i) Punjab
(ii) Sindh

(iii) KP
(iv) Balochistan

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A device used to measure the amount of moisture in the atmosphere is called...?

(i) Hydrometer
(ii) Barometer

(iii) Hygrometer
(iv) Anemometer

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