Synonym of Rookie is ...? Mcqs

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Synonym of Rookie is ...?

(i) An old man
(ii) Professional

(iii) A new recruit
(iv) Expert

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Which Asian country is known for the Great Wall...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Denmark

(iii) China
(iv) Belgium

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What is the sum of the first 5 composite numbers:...?

(i) 25
(ii) 33

(iii) 37
(iv) 43

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The term Track II diplomacy is used for..?

(i) Creating relation using official channels
(ii) Creating relation using Unofficial channels

(iii) Diplomacy by diplomats during war
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of backbone is _____________...?

(i) front bone
(ii) spine

(iii) back
(iv) B & C both

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Malacca Strait is located between:...?

(i) Andaman sea and South China sea
(ii) South China sea and East China sea

(iii) Andaman island and Nikobar island
(iv) Malay peninsula and Sumatra peninsula

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Who was the first Pakistani doctor who lost his life due to Covid-19 infection and was posthumously awarded the Nishan-e-Kashmir on 27 March 2020...?

(i) Muhammad Usama
(ii) Usama Riaz

(iii) Usman Riaz
(iv) Muhammad Usman

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Which of the following countries is closest size to Iran ...?

(i) Congo
(ii) Mexico

(iii) Spain
(iv) Chile

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The average of 50 numbers is 30. If two numbers 35 and 40 are discarded, then the average of the remaining numbers is nearly___________...?

(i) 28.32
(ii) 29.68

(iii) 28.78
(iv) 29.27

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Aaron has 3 times as much money as Josh. If Aaron gives Josh $50, Josh will then have 3 times as much money as Aaron. How much money do two of them have together?...?

(i) $100
(ii) $110

(iii) $135
(iv) $150

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