Synonym of “stodgy” is _________...? Mcqs

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Synonym of “stodgy” is _________...?

(i) sturdy
(ii) dull

(iii) blunt
(iv) obstinate

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Who among the following proposed Laws of planetary motion...?

(i) Roger Bacon
(ii) Isaac Newton

(iii) Johannes Kepler
(iv) Galileo

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Who was the successor of Qutb Ud din Aibak...?

(i) Aram Shah
(ii) Iltutmish

(iii) Razia Sultana
(iv) None of these

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In ______ model that involves online banking travel and health information...?

(i) B2C
(ii) C2B

(iii) B2B
(iv) С2C

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Which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel...?

(i) 10
(ii) 100

(iii) 300
(iv) 500

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Synonym of “encroach” is ________________....?

(i) infest
(ii) spread out

(iii) weaken
(iv) trespass

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Using Find command in Ms Word, we can search...?

(i) characters
(ii) formats

(iii) symbols
(iv) All of the above

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Which of the Mowing is not used to access the web?...?

(i) ISDN
(ii) Modem

(iii) UDP
(iv) DSL

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Which is the largest hardware company of the world:...?

(i) Dell
(ii) Microsoft

(iii) Apple
(iv) None of these

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Boundary agreement was signed between Pakistan and China in...?

(i) 2 March 1963
(ii) 2 March 1962

(iii) 2 March 1969
(iv) 2 March 1947

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