TAP is the news agency of ___________...? Mcqs

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TAP is the news agency of ___________...?

(i) Tunisia
(ii) Russia

(iii) Britain
(iv) Pakistan

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Synonym of "Odour" is:...?

(i) Taste
(ii) Smell

(iii) Colour
(iv) Texture

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The United Nations was founded in:...?

(i) San Francisco
(ii) New York

(iii) Los Angeles
(iv) Chicago

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Hazrat Asma (RA), the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA), got married to _________...?

(i) Hazrat Ubaidah (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Abdur Rehman (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Zubair Ibn al-Awam(RA)
(iv) None of these

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In which surah of the Holy Quran Bismillah is added twice...?

(i) Baqara
(ii) Namal

(iii) Yaseen
(iv) None of these

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Which animal of the following is taxable for zakat...?

(i) Oxen
(ii) Sheep

(iii) Horse
(iv) Elephant

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Ten miles ________________ a long day to walk....?

(i) are
(ii) are being

(iii) is
(iv) at

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Which of the following amendments were proposed by Quaid e Azam in the Nehru Report 1928 , to make it acceptable to the Indian Muslims...?

(i) The Muslims should be given 1/3 Central
(ii) Muslims should be representation in Punjab

(iii) Residuary powers should be given Hindus
(iv) All Of Above

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The Battle of Karnal Was Fought Between the Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah and...?

(i) Aurangzeb
(ii) Akbar

(iii) Nadir Shah
(iv) Bahadur Shah

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Which of the following is not an application software...?

(i) Windows NT
(ii) Page Maker

(iii) WinWord XP
(iv) Photoshop

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