'Temple Trees' is an official residence of the ...? Mcqs

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'Temple Trees' is an official residence of the ...?

(i) King of Nepal
(ii) King of Bhutan

(iii) President of Maldives
(iv) Prime Minister of Sri Lanka

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Apostasy movement took place in the khilafat of_________...?

(i) Hazrat Umar(R.A)
(ii) Hazrat Ali( R.A)

(iii) Hazrat Abu bakar (R.A)
(iv) D Hazrat Usman (R.A)

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Number of seats in Lok Sabha, lower house of Indian parliament...?

(i) 533
(ii) 543

(iii) 433
(iv) 443

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Hazrat bibi Umm Kulthum (R.A) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and ____________...?

(i) Zaynab bint Khuzayma
(ii) Rayhana bint Zayd

(iii) Khadija bint Khuwaylid
(iv) Maria al-Qibtiyya

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Synonym of ALERT is...?

(i) Intellegent
(ii) Energetic

(iii) Observant
(iv) Watchful

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A chemical solution has 8% acid the acid is 15 ml the total volume of solution is...?

(i) 179.5 ml
(ii) 180.5 ml

(iii) 187.5 ml
(iv) None of these

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Canton is a city in...?

(i) Thailand
(ii) Germany

(iii) China
(iv) South Korea

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In MS Word 2016, to extend a selection to adjacent cells of the table:...?

(i) Hold down SHIFT and press an arrow key repeatedly
(ii) Press Alt + A

(iii) Ctrl+Alt+ H
(iv) Alt + End

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Which country were involved in 100 year war...?

(i) Turkey and Austria
(ii) England and France

(iii) Palestine and Israel
(iv) Germany and Russia

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National Animal of Pakistan...?

(i) Markhoor
(ii) Lion

(iii) Tiger
(iv) Snack

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