Term double fault is associated with: __________...? Mcqs

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Term double fault is associated with: __________...?

(i) BaseBall
(ii) Footbal

(iii) Tennis
(iv) Rugby

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Aisha (R.A.)...?

(i) Masjed nabwe
(ii) Makkah mukarma

(iii) Jannat al-Baqi
(iv) None of These

Latest MCQs

35 workers are employed to complete a construction in 16 days. the boss needs to complete the project in 14 days. all the workers work at the same rate, how many more workers does he need to employ in order to complete the project on time...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 9

Latest MCQs

What is the chemical formula of washing soda...?

(i) Na2CO3
(ii) NaHCO3

(iii) Na2CO3
(iv) Na2CO3.10H2O

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Synonym of Paucity is _____________...?

(i) Presence
(ii) Poverty

(iii) Scarcity
(iv) None of these

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The motto of UNO is _________...?

(i) It’s your world!
(ii) Life for All!

(iii) Peace!
(iv) Love and Peace!

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The Capital of Libya is:...?

(i) Kathmandu
(ii) Brasilia

(iii) Tripoli
(iv) None of these

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Hinduism Is state religion of...?

(i) India
(ii) Bhutan

(iii) Nepal
(iv) None of these

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The number of bones in new born baby is:...?

(i) 200
(ii) 250

(iii) 300
(iv) None of these

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The ration of ages of two students is 3:2, if one is 5 years old, then the age of younger student is...?

(i) 5 years
(ii) 10 years

(iii) 15 years
(iv) None of these

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