That which is contrary to law...? Mcqs

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That which is contrary to law...?

(i) Illegal
(ii) Legacy

(iii) Legal
(iv) None

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famous online shopping platform Amazon was founded on: ________...?

(i) April 5, 1993
(ii) May 5, 1993

(iii) July 5, 1994
(iv) None of These

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What is the other name of Surah Fatiha...?

(i) Umm al-Quran
(ii) Umm al-Kitab

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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Animals that eat only animals are called:...?

(i) insectivores
(ii) carnivores

(iii) omnivores
(iv) herbivores

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The prison has succeeded in reducing ‘recidivism’. The word ‘recidivism’ word means:...?

(i) The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend
(ii) Going back to a previous behavior

(iii) Backsliding
(iv) All of These

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The headquarter of Green Peace International is located in _________....?

(i) Amsterdam
(ii) Geneva

(iii) Lisbon
(iv) Austria

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Hazrat Ali (R.A) wife was...?

(i) Ruqayyah (R.A)
(ii) Fatima-tul-Zahra (R.A)

(iii) Umm Kulthum (R.A)
(iv) Hazrat Aisha (R.A)

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When the object moves with the speed of light its mass would be...?

(i) equal to its rest mass
(ii) double of its rest mass

(iii) infinite
(iv) Zero Zero

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Khilafat movement was ended with the abolition of Khilafat in...?

(i) 1922
(ii) 1923

(iii) 1924
(iv) None of these

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Income that is saved and not invested is known as...?

(i) Capital
(ii) Deposit

(iii) Hoarding
(iv) None of these

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