The 45th surah of Quran is “al-jathiya”, which means ____________...? Mcqs

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The 45th surah of Quran is “al-jathiya”, which means ____________...?

(i) The sand dunes
(ii) Upon their knees

(iii) Smoke
(iv) Luxury

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Special theory of relativity was proposed by...?

(i) Isaac Newton
(ii) Albert Einstein

(iii) Galileo
(iv) Robert Hook

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Why Drop Caps are used in document in Ms Word...?

(i) To drop all the capital letters
(ii) To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter

(iii) To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
(iv) None of above

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Maqam e Mahmud (Mehmood) means: _______________...?

(i) Station of worship
(ii) Station of praise

(iii) Station of Justice
(iv) Station of knowledge

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Cue, bolting and break terms associated with which game:...?

(i) Volleyball
(ii) Snooker

(iii) Billiard
(iv) Polo

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Antonym of Credulous is...?

(i) Respectfull
(ii) Hardworing

(iii) Skeptical
(iv) Frugal

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Where is SCO’s standing body the “Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)” based...?

(i) Shanghai
(ii) Delhi

(iii) Moscow
(iv) Tashkent

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When was the Kashmir issue taken to the United Nations by India...?

(i) 26 January 1949
(ii) 01 January 1948

(iii) 15 August 1947
(iv) None of these

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International human solidarity day is observed annually on _____________...?

(i) 20 December
(ii) 10 November

(iii) 15 October
(iv) None of These

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The sentence given below has a blank. One of which can fill in the blank so as to match the sentence complete and meaningful. Spot itIt's imperative that you study work abroad___________ strengthen your listening and speaking skills...?

(i) whereas
(ii) so as to

(iii) as long as
(iv) unless

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