The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called __________...? Mcqs

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The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called __________...?

(i) document formatting
(ii) database management

(iii) mail merge
(iv) form letters

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The synonym of impetuous is...?

(i) Resourceful
(ii) Violent

(iii) Pleasing
(iv) Rash

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Which Alphabet is mostly used in the Holy Quran...?

(i) Alif
(ii) Te

(iii) Jeem
(iv) Dal

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You can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by:...?

(i) the format painter button only one time when you click it
(ii) Double clicking the format painter button

(iii) Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
(iv) Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button

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In February, 2020, former Pakistani batsman, Nasir Jamshed, was sentenced to______ months in prison in the UK for his role in a fixing scandal....?

(i) Seventeen
(ii) Eighteen

(iii) Nineteen
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of Abstemious...?

(i) Gluttonous
(ii) Greedy

(iii) Hungry
(iv) All of these

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Choose the correct sentence...?

(i) These news are not so good
(ii) These news is not so good

(iii) The news are not so good
(iv) This news is not so good

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What PowerPoint feature will you use to apply motion effects to different objects of a slide?...?

(i) Slide Transition
(ii) Create table using wizard-

(iii) Animation Scheme
(iv) None of these

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Cat is to Kitten then:...?

(i) Duck : Cat
(ii) Cow : Calf

(iii) Bear : Deer
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is not of the merge process in Microsoft Word...?

(i) Sort the data source records
(ii) Merge the two files to print or create a new document

(iii) Edit a data source
(iv) Format a main document

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