The anatomys of ENDEAR is:...? Mcqs

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The anatomys of ENDEAR is:...?

(i) Give money
(ii) Alienate

(iii) Chance
(iv) Make beautiful

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India did airstrike in Balakot on 26 February 2019. When India has struck it before...?

(i) 1947
(ii) 1956

(iii) 1967
(iv) 1971

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A TV is purchased at Rs. 5000 and sold at Rs. 4000, find the lost percent:...?

(i) 100
(ii) 20

(iii) 25
(iv) 28

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Name the Sahaba Who lagged behind and did not answer the call to fight in the Battle of Tabuk...?

(i) Hazrat kaab bin Malik R.A
(ii) Hazrat Hilal bin Umiyah R.A

(iii) Hazrat Murarah R.A
(iv) All of these

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The Roman Numeral "XX" means:...?

(i) 200
(ii) 2,000

(iii) 20,000
(iv) 20

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Choose the antonym of Waive:...?

(i) Yield
(ii) Renounce

(iii) Demand
(iv) None

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Galvanized iron sheets have on the coating of...?

(i) Lead
(ii) Chromium

(iii) Tin
(iv) Zinc

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Study of earthquakes is known as...?

(i) Ecology
(ii) Seismology

(iii) Numismatics
(iv) None of these

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A device used to measure the amount of moisture in the atmosphere is called...?

(i) Hydrometer
(ii) Barometer

(iii) Hygrometer
(iv) Anemometer

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Aaron has 3 times as much money as Josh. If Aaron gives Josh $50, Josh will then have 3 times as much money as Aaron. How much money do two of them have together?...?

(i) $100
(ii) $110

(iii) $135
(iv) $150

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