Who among the following is the author of Sri Lanka’s national anthem ...? Mcqs

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Who among the following is the author of Sri Lanka’s national anthem ...?

(i) Srijavo Bandarnaike
(ii) Matilda Pakshah

(iii) Gotabaya Rajapaksha
(iv) Ananda Samarkone

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اسلامی ممالک میں سب سے ذیادہ گنجان آباد ملک کونسا ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) پاکستان
(ii) ملائشیا

(iii) انڈونیشیا
(iv) ترکی

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(i) Discovery of the proton
(ii) Discovery of the neutron

(iii) Development of the atomic bomb
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(i) Snake: Slither
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(i) in
(ii) of

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(i) Whale
(ii) Dolphin

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(i) Blinds
(ii) Deaf

(iii) Dumb
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