The average height of five pupils is 68 inches. If one 70 inches and other three are 76 inches, then what is the height in inches of the fifth pupil...? Mcqs

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The average height of five pupils is 68 inches. If one 70 inches and other three are 76 inches, then what is the height in inches of the fifth pupil...?

(i) 36
(ii) 38

(iii) 40
(iv) 42

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Synonym of “civil” is __________....?

(i) a. unkind
(ii) b. trite

(iii) c. public
(iv) d. questionable

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Global warming poses threat to world is statement by:...?

(i) United Nation
(ii) Antonio Guterres

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg belongs to which country...?

(i) Norway
(ii) Poland

(iii) USA
(iv) France

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سابق فاٹا میں کتنی ایجنسیاں شامل تھیں

(i) 6
(ii) 7

(iii) 8
(iv) 9

Latest MCQs

Aslia has three types balls red, green and blue. If their ratio is 2:3:5 what percent of balls are green...?

(i) 20%
(ii) 30%

(iii) 45%
(iv) 50%

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In computer science, Half byte is also - known as:...?

(i) Word
(ii) Four bits

(iii) Nibble
(iv) All of these

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What was the tenure of the only Acting Secretary General of the UN, Gladwyn Jebb...?

(i) 24 Sep, 1945 to 1 Feb, 1946
(ii) 24 Nov, 1956 to 10 Feb, 1945

(iii) CC. 10 Feb, 1946 to 24 Oct, 1946
(iv) 24 Oct, 1945 to 1 Feb, 1946

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Green pepper is very rich __________ vitamin C...?

(i) Of
(ii) In

(iii) About
(iv) On

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The Bari Doab is located between...?

(i) Jhelum and Chenab
(ii) Bias and Ravi

(iii) Ravi and Chenab
(iv) Bias and Chenab

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