The Battle of Karbala took place on which Hijri...? Mcqs

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The Battle of Karbala took place on which Hijri...?

(i) 61 AH
(ii) 65 AH

(iii) 68 AH
(iv) 69 AH

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A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as...?

(i) raised
(ii) outline

(iii) subsricpt
(iv) superscript

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Diet is the name of Parliament of the country...?

(i) China
(ii) Thailand

(iii) Japan
(iv) Korea

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The real name of Hazrat Abu Talib (R.A)was ______...?

(i) Haris bin Hashim
(ii) Umro bin Hasham

(iii) Zain bin Hasham
(iv) None of these

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The synonym of “FIASCO” is ________....?

(i) care
(ii) love

(iii) failure
(iv) careless

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What is the name of the first poem of Bangdara?...?

(i) The night and the poet
(ii) Tarana Mili

(iii) Hamalia
(iv) None of these

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Product of two numbers is 72.Find the other number when one is 9...?

(i) 2
(ii) 8

(iii) 5
(iv) None

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Dynamite was discovered by...?

(i) Daimler
(ii) Mosley

(iii) Alfred Nobel
(iv) Freud

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In Microsoft Excel the Intersection of columns and rows is called a:...?

(i) Data
(ii) Table

(iii) Cell
(iv) Schema for:

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Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) name mentioned in the Holy Quran ____ times....?

(i) 64
(ii) 65

(iii) 69
(iv) None of These

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