The brothers who sold the land for Masjid e Nabawi belonged to the __________tribe:...? Mcqs

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The brothers who sold the land for Masjid e Nabawi belonged to the __________tribe:...?

(i) Banu Hashim
(ii) Banu Qarizah

(iii) Banu Najjar
(iv) None of these

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Shortcut key for Hanging Indent is _____________...?

(i) Ctrl + H
(ii) Ctrl + M

(iii) Ctrl + T
(iv) Ctrl + L

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Grand Central Terminal, Park Avenue, New York is the world’s...?

(i) largest railway station
(ii) highest railway station

(iii) longest railway station
(iv) none of these

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اللہ نے کس کو ہر چھوٹی اور بڑی چیز اور ان کے افعال کے نام سکھائے؟...?

(i) انسانوں کو
(ii) حضرت آدم کو

(iii) جنات کو
(iv) حیوانات کو

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URL stands for

(i) Uniform research locator
(ii) Uniform Resource Locator

(iii) Uni relative locator
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “amend” is _________...?

(i) alter
(ii) suggest

(iii) bring together
(iv) subscribe

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In Torat by which name Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was called________...?

(i) Muhammad
(ii) Farooq

(iii) Tayyab
(iv) Ahmed

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Which was the tribe of Hazrat Abu Bakr...?

(i) Ban Khizraj
(ii) Banu Anus

(iii) Banu Tamim
(iv) BanuHashim

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Photosynthesis occurs in:...?

(i) Chloroplast
(ii) Endoplasmic reticulum

(iii) Golgi body
(iv) Nucleus

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In MS PowerPoint we can go to next slide by:...?

(i) Enter Button
(ii) Mouse

(iii) Spacebar
(iv) All of these

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