The computer's processor consists of the following parts...? Mcqs

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The computer's processor consists of the following parts...?

(i) CPU and Main Memory
(ii) Operating System

(iii) Hard Disk and Floppy Drive
(iv) Control Unit and ALU

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Which is the largest Province of Afghanistan by Population...?

(i) Qandhar
(ii) Mizar-e-Sharif

(iii) Kabul
(iv) Ghazni

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Who was appointed as the ruler of Madina at the time of Hudaibia incident when Holy Prophet was departing for Umrah in 6th Hijri...?

(i) Bashir bin Sufyan
(ii) Namila bin Abdullah Al-Laithi

(iii) Muhammad bin Muslimah
(iv) Bara bin Azib

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Which of the following is not a type of bus in the computer?...?

(i) Data bus
(ii) Power bus

(iii) Control bus
(iv) All of the above

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Which is used as an electrode in the dry cell:...?

(i) Lead
(ii) Graphite

(iii) Molybdenum
(iv) None of these

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The deepest place on earth is ____________...?

(i) Trench
(ii) Mariana Trench

(iii) Mangrove
(iv) Groove

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. جنگ پلاسی کب ہوئی...?

(i) 1657 میں
(ii) 1557 میں

(iii) 1997 میں
(iv) 1757 میں

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Study of tissues is called:...?

(i) Histology
(ii) Cytology

(iii) Anatomy
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following South Asian leaders has recently given a proposal to form' South Asian task force to combat terrorism' in the region...?

(i) President Asif Zardari Of Pakistan
(ii) Prime minister Sheikh Hasina Of Bangladesh

(iii) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh India
(iv) PM Ratnaisri Wickremanyake Sri Lanka

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How many seats were reserved in assembly for Muslim in Lucknow pact...?

(i) ½
(ii) 1/3

(iii) ¼
(iv) 1/5

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