The Continent Antarctica lies at the__________...? Mcqs

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The Continent Antarctica lies at the__________...?

(i) North pole
(ii) South pole

(iii) middle of the earth
(iv) Equator

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In Ms word, a master document contains _______ of subdocument ...?

(i) Placeholder
(ii) Files

(iii) Links
(iv) Same data as

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Hazrat Khadija (RA) died in ...?

(i) 618 A.D
(ii) 619 A.D

(iii) 620 A.D
(iv) 621 A.D

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The Third Most abundant element is:...?

(i) Oxygen
(ii) Silicon

(iii) Aluminium
(iv) None ofthese

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جب کسی لفظ کے آخر میں اضافی الفاظ شامل کیے جائیں تو وہ کیا کہلاتے ہیں؟...?

(i) سابقہ
(ii) لاحقہ

(iii) مترادف
(iv) مرکب

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1965 war started from...?

(i) 4 September
(ii) 5 September

(iii) 6 September
(iv) 7 September

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Where does the United Nations Commission on Human Rights meet and for how long...?

(i) In Geneva for six weeks each year
(ii) In London for seven weeks each year

(iii) In Paris for six weeks each years
(iv) In New York for ten weeks each year

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When you insert a Excel file to a Word document The Data are:...?

(i) Embedded
(ii) Linked

(iii) Hyperlink placed in word table
(iv) None of these

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Which famous personality of English literature awarded Nobel prize in 1907:...?

(i) Paul Heyse
(ii) Rudyard Kipling

(iii) Romain Rolland
(iv) None of these

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Select the most OPPOSITE word for the following:Coincidence...?

(i) accidental
(ii) deliberate

(iii) chance
(iv) unintentional

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