The decided to buy the house because ______ location would allow ______ to get to work very easily...? Mcqs

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The decided to buy the house because ______ location would allow ______ to get to work very easily...?

(i) its / them
(ii) its / him

(iii) it / them
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is not an edible variety of mushroom...?

(i) Amanita (is regarded as the most poisonus mushroom in the world)
(ii) Oyster mushrooms

(iii) Straw mushrooms
(iv) None of these

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Which one of the following is input device...?

(i) Monitor
(ii) Scanner

(iii) Printer
(iv) Speaker

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To "give up the ghost" means _____...?

(i) To abandon a plan
(ii) To give up hope

(iii) To stop trying
(iv) To leave a place

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Ali is my best friend.Best is which part of speech:...?

(i) Noun
(ii) Verb

(iii) Adjective
(iv) adverb

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The largest lake of salt water in the world is...?

(i) Baykal
(ii) Chad

(iii) Kariba
(iv) Caspian sea

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Which African country has the most population...?

(i) Nigeria
(ii) South Africa

(iii) Kenya
(iv) Ethiopia

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Who was Warqa Bin Nofil...?

(i) Father of Hazrat Khadija (r.a)
(ii) Brother of Khadija (r.a)

(iii) Cousin of Khadija (r.a)
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of “embargo” is _________...?

(i) license
(ii) freight

(iii) tax
(iv) prohibition

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Who discovered the first vaccine...?

(i) Edward Jenner
(ii) Einstein

(iii) Albert Sabin
(iv) Jonas Salk

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