The deepest part of the Earth is __________ ....? Mcqs

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The deepest part of the Earth is __________ ....?

(i) Dead Sea
(ii) Mariana Trench

(iii) South Africa
(iv) South Pole

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Synonym of “abrade” is _________...?

(i) to twist
(ii) unravel

(iii) scold
(iv) wear away

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What is the shortcut key to “Center Align” the selected text ...?

(i) Ctrl + C
(ii) Ctrl + A

(iii) Ctrl + E
(iv) None of these

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“Arbaeen” is the book of Hadith in which there are:__________...?

(i) 20 Ahadith
(ii) 30 Ahadith

(iii) 40 Ahadith
(iv) 50 ahadith

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The President of the 79th UN General Assembly, Philemon Yang belong to belongs to which country ...?

(i) North Korea
(ii) South Korea

(iii) Cameroonian
(iv) Portugal

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Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiomTo call the shots...?

(i) To be in debt
(ii) To lack control

(iii) To be blissful happy
(iv) To take initiative

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Which Strait connects Labrador sea and Baffin Bay...?

(i) Davis Strait
(ii) Denmark Strait

(iii) Hover Strait
(iv) None of these

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Nepal’s first woman President was...?

(i) Rita Sharma
(ii) Vidya Devi Bhandari

(iii) Aishwarya Laxmi
(iv) Komal Bhandari

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In MS PowerPoint ____ contain pre defined...?

(i) Graphics
(ii) Themes

(iii) Texture
(iv) Gradient

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Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into Areas...?

(i) frames
(ii) theme

(iii) table of contents
(iv) none of the above

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