The diameter of a wheel of a car is 48 cm. If the car travels at an average speed of 3,5 km/h. The number of revolutions made by the wheel per minute is:...? Mcqs

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The diameter of a wheel of a car is 48 cm. If the car travels at an average speed of 3,5 km/h. The number of revolutions made by the wheel per minute is:...?

(i) 09
(ii) 19

(iii) 29
(iv) 39

Latest MCQs

Which is the most populous continent...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Europe

(iii) Asia
(iv) None of these

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Harappa is located in which province of Pakistan...?

(i) Punjab
(ii) Sindh

(iii) KPK
(iv) Baluchistan

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درج ذیل میں سے کون سامر کب عطفی ہے؟...?

(i) چرند پرند
(ii) ذوق و شوق

(iii) کلمه مهمل
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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London is situated on the bank of river...?

(i) Delaware
(ii) Nile river

(iii) Thames
(iv) None of these

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The first Wahi (revelation) was revealed...?

(i) 17 Ramzan
(ii) 18 Ramzan

(iii) 19 Ramzan
(iv) 20 Ramzan

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UN Charter is consisted of how many chapters...?

(i) 16
(ii) 18

(iii) 17
(iv) 19

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Ibrahim A.S remained in fire ________ days....?

(i) 35
(ii) 40

(iii) 45
(iv) 50

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Antonym of FALLACY is...?

(i) Abandon
(ii) Blunder

(iii) Truth
(iv) Error

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Where is the Kala Pani Jail located on which island...?

(i) Lakshadweep Islands
(ii) Andaman and Nicobar Islands

(iii) Goa
(iv) Kerala

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