The dress made out of which of the following materials is safest to wear while cooking...? Mcqs

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The dress made out of which of the following materials is safest to wear while cooking...?

(i) Silk
(ii) Nylon

(iii) Cotton
(iv) Terylene

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Synonym of Eradicate is...?

(i) Eliminate
(ii) To forget

(iii) To forgive
(iv) Validation

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The rate at which temperature decreases with increasing altitude is known as the:...?

(i) Lapse rate
(ii) Sounding

(iii) Temperature slope
(iv) Thermocline

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Undo, Redo & Save are default options of which function...?

(i) Title Bar
(ii) Customize Quick Access Toolbar

(iii) Tabs Bar
(iv) Status Bar

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The Muslim historian and thinker, Ibn Khuldun, was born in ___________...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Egypt

(iii) Tunisia
(iv) None of these

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"Add Now Hadware" option exist in...?

(i) Title bar
(ii) Status bar

(iii) Control Panel
(iv) Taskbar

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Which of the following country has declared 2019 as “Year of Tolerance”...?

(i) Germany
(ii) France

(iii) UAE
(iv) None of these

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The Salat-e-Shukar is ______________...?

(i) Mustahab
(ii) Nafl

(iii) Wajib
(iv) Sunnah

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A place where pigs are kept...?

(i) cellar
(ii) Sty

(iii) Brewery
(iv) None of these

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اردو قصیدہ گوئی میں سودا کے بعد کس شاعر کا نام اہمیت کا حامل ہے؟...?

(i) ارشد گور
(ii) داغ دہلوی

(iii) شاہ اعظیم آبادی
(iv) ذوق

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