The earth's rotation on its axis is from...? Mcqs

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The earth's rotation on its axis is from...?

(i) South to North
(ii) North to south

(iii) East to west
(iv) West to East

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The theory of 'Clash of Civilizations' was presented by...?

(i) Francis Fukuyama
(ii) Micheal W.Doyle

(iii) Fouad Ajmi
(iv) Samuel p. Huntington

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Waris shah is the author of which famous folktale...?

(i) Heer Ranjha
(ii) Sassi Punnu

(iii) Sohni Mahiwal
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Obscure is __________...?

(i) confusing
(ii) Reveal

(iii) Clear
(iv) Bright

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In the words of NATO’s first secretary-general, the purpose of NATO was to...?

(i) “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the French down”
(ii) “keep the Soviet Union and Germans out, the Americans in, and the French down”

(iii) “keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down”
(iv) “only keep the Soviet Union out”

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There are two sections A and B of a class, consisting of 36 and 44 students respectively If the average weight of section A is 40kg and that of section B is 35kg, find the average weight of the whole class...?

(i) 30 kg
(ii) 35 kg

(iii) 37.25 kg
(iv) 42.50 kg

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Hazrat Khadija (RA) belonged to the tribe of __________....?

(i) Banu Hashim
(ii) Banu Khazeema

(iii) Banu Asad
(iv) Banu Atiyah

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Synonym of Gruesome is __________ ...?

(i) Tragic
(ii) Frightful

(iii) Painful
(iv) Hateful

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What is meant by to owe is woe...?

(i) قرض انسان کو خوشی دیتا ہے۔
(ii) قرض انسان کو غم اور پریشانی میں مبتلا کرتا ہے۔

(iii) قرض کا کوئی اثر نہیں ہوتا۔
(iv) قرض ادا کرنا ہمیشہ آسان ہوتا ہے۔

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In February, 2020, former Pakistani batsman, Nasir Jamshed, was sentenced to______ months in prison in the UK for his role in a fixing scandal....?

(i) Seventeen
(ii) Eighteen

(iii) Nineteen
(iv) None of these

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