The famous food chain brands “KFC” stands for...? Mcqs

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The famous food chain brands “KFC” stands for...?

(i) Kentucky Fried Chilli
(ii) Kentucky Fried Chicken

(iii) Ketherd friend Chicken
(iv) None of These

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The Euro currency is used by ________ countries....?

(i) 18
(ii) 19

(iii) 20
(iv) None of These

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Who is the current chairman joint chiefs of staff committee 2022...?

(i) General rashid mehmood
(ii) General Nadeem raza

(iii) General Zubair hayat
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Fable is...?

(i) Allegory
(ii) Truth

(iii) sense
(iv) None of these

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The sum of two numbers is 25, and their difference is 13. What is the product of the two numbers...?

(i) 120
(ii) 130

(iii) 114
(iv) 112

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The accused ________ having made any statement...?

(i) denied
(ii) declaimed

(iii) rejected
(iv) refused

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پاکستان کا پہلہ آئین کب نافذ ہوا...?

(i) 1949 میں
(ii) 1957 میں

(iii) 1962 میں
(iv) 1956 میں

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Which country is known as the Pearl of the Indian Ocean...?

(i) Sri Lanka
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) India
(iv) Natural Gas

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who is the national poet of Pakistan...?

(i) Allama Iqbal
(ii) Hafeez Jalandhari

(iii) Josh Malihabadi
(iv) Habib Jalib

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National Day of China is: ___________...?

(i) 9/1/1930 12:00:00 AM
(ii) 10/1/2001 12:00:00 AM

(iii) 10/1/2005 12:00:00 AM
(iv) 9/1/2025 12:00:00 AM

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