The famous verse of Quran (نَصْرٌ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ وَفَتْحٌ قَرِيبٌ) is mentioned in Surah...? Mcqs

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The famous verse of Quran (نَصْرٌ مِّنَ اللَّـهِ وَفَتْحٌ قَرِيبٌ) is mentioned in Surah...?

(i) Al-Anbiya
(ii) Al-Imran

(iii) As-Saff
(iv) Al-Anfal

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A computer virus is...?

(i) created accidentally
(ii) deliberately created

(iii) produced as result of some program error
(iv) None of these

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Which one of the world largest rivers flow in a single country...?

(i) river Nile
(ii) river Indus

(iii) river Yangtze
(iv) Having He

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in 2009 Kerry Lugar bill in US Congress, if approved would provide to Pakistan an annual economic assistance of...?

(i) $ 1.5 Billion
(ii) $ 2.5 Billion

(iii) $ 3.5 Billion
(iv) $ 4.5 Billion

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Synonyms of CAMEO...?

(i) Funny Character
(ii) Minor Role

(iii) Type of Fiction
(iv) Sharp tool

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An application program that allows a user to set page number and spell check of a document is known as ______...?

(i) Notepad
(ii) Wordpad

(iii) Word processor
(iv) All of these

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When Hajj was made obligatory...?

(i) 2 AH
(ii) 5 AH

(iii) 7 AH
(iv) 9 AH

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Senkaku Islands are disputed between which of the following nations...?

(i) Japan and China
(ii) Japna and Russia

(iii) China and Philippines
(iv) USA and Russia

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In PowerPoint, The selected design template can be applied:...?

(i) To current slide only
(ii) To an the slides

(iii) To all the new presentation you create
(iv) All of these

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In MS Word, Portrait and Landscape are _______...?

(i) Page layout
(ii) Page size

(iii) Page Orientation
(iv) All of these

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