The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly spaced. What is that feature called...? Mcqs

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The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly spaced. What is that feature called...?

(i) Spacing
(ii) Kerning

(iii) Positioning
(iv) Scaling

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In which year Egypt nationalized Suez Canal...?

(i) 1950
(ii) 1954

(iii) 1956
(iv) 1955

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I am worried ____________ the exam...?

(i) In
(ii) About

(iii) On
(iv) Of

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In which year was OIC founded...?

(i) 1970
(ii) 1975

(iii) 1980
(iv) 1969

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What is the most abundant element in the universe...?

(i) Hydrogen
(ii) Oxygen

(iii) Sodium
(iv) Copper

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The Atomic Bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki on...?

(i) 3 August 1945
(ii) 6 August 1945

(iii) 9 August 1945
(iv) 12 August 1945

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Hazrat Usman did not participated in which Ghazwa...?

(i) Ghazwa e Badr
(ii) Ghazwa e Ohad

(iii) Ghazwa e Khyber
(iv) Ghazwa e Tabuk

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The Punjab Police Department consists of how many Regional Offices...?

(i) 12
(ii) 10

(iii) 11
(iv) 8

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The _________ is a short horizontal line indicating the conclusion of a document....?

(i) insertion point
(ii) end mark

(iii) status indicator
(iv) scroll box

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Synonym of Doleful is__________...?

(i) Sad
(ii) Happy

(iii) Famous
(iv) Enemy

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