The first intelligible words to be ever recorded on a telephone on March 10, 1876, were...? Mcqs

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The first intelligible words to be ever recorded on a telephone on March 10, 1876, were...?

(i) Hello
(ii) Hi

(iii) Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you.
(iv) Graham Bell is speaking

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Maldives is the smallest Muslim state by area and population, what is the percentage of Muslim population there...?

(i) 90%
(ii) 94%

(iii) 98%
(iv) 100%

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Which of the following is caused by bacteria ..........?

(i) Malaria
(ii) Tetanus

(iii) Cancer
(iv) Rabies

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The newspaper called "Zamindar" was edited by:...?

(i) Mautarta Muhammad Ail Jauhar
(ii) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

(iii) Maulana Shibli Naumanl
(iv) Maulana Altaf Hussain Hali

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Which of the following is the second largest measurement of RAM?...?

(i) Megabyte
(ii) Gigabyte

(iii) Byte
(iv) Terabyte

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Second most populous country in the world is ___________...?

(i) Russia
(ii) India

(iii) Nigeria
(iv) Indonesia

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Synonym of Prudence is____________...?

(i) Judgement
(ii) Folly

(iii) Recklessness
(iv) Incapable

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When was founded regional alliance, ASEAN, of eight independent countries of South East Asia...?

(i) 1962
(ii) 1965

(iii) 1967
(iv) 1969

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When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan:...?

(i) 24 December 1974
(ii) 24 December 1977

(iii) 24 December 1979
(iv) 24 December 1981

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Each one of__________ will design suits tailored_______ to strength and weaknesses...?

(i) us/our
(ii) our/us

(iii) them/their
(iv) None of these

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