The first Msjid (Mosque) that was built by the Holy Prophet (SAW) was_____________...? Mcqs

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The first Msjid (Mosque) that was built by the Holy Prophet (SAW) was_____________...?

(i) Masjid-ul-Haram
(ii) Masjid e Quba

(iii) Masjid-e-Aqsa
(iv) Masjid-e-Nabavi

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How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum...?

(i) 35
(ii) 45

(iii) 55
(iv) 63

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Which from the following countries is NOT a member of D-8...?

(i) India
(ii) Pakistan

(iii) Nigeria
(iv) Turkey

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By converting 75% into fraction, answer will be:...?

(i) 3/4
(ii) 2/3

(iii) 1/3
(iv) 1/4

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Who is the Current Chief Minister of Sindh...?

(i) Qaim Ali Shah
(ii) Jam Mir Kamal Khan

(iii) Maqbool Baqar
(iv) Syed Murad Ali Shah

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Who is the author of the book "The Clash of Civilizations"?...?

(i) Alvin Tofflier
(ii) Toynbee

(iii) Samuel P Huntington
(iv) None of these

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On which place, first Wahi was decended...?

(i) Sore Cave
(ii) Hira Cave

(iii) Khana-Kaaba
(iv) None of them

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The velocity of sound in air at sea level is...?

(i) 881 meters per second
(ii) 761 meters per second

(iii) 661 meters per second
(iv) 561 meters per second

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The problem is not _____ to one of internal...?

(i) Reduce
(ii) Reducible

(iii) Reliable
(iv) Reduction

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Which shortcut key is used to insert a new worksheet in MS Excel...?

(i) Shift + F8
(ii) Shift + F9

(iii) Shift + F10
(iv) Shift + F11

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