The first Nobel Prize to be awarded to a South Asian was to:...? Mcqs

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The first Nobel Prize to be awarded to a South Asian was to:...?

(i) Rabindranath Tagore
(ii) Sir CV Raman

(iii) Dr Abdus Salam
(iv) Dr Amartya Sen

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Hazrat Ishaq (AS) was blessed with twins at the age of 60 years; these twins were...?

(i) Hazrat Younus (AS) & Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Haroon (AS) & Hazrat Musa (AS)

(iii) Hazrat Dawood (AS) & Hazrat Sulaiman (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Loot (AS) & Hazrat Hood (AS)

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Plants during night exhale...?

(i) Oxygen
(ii) Carbon Dioxide

(iii) Nitrogen
(iv) Hydrogen

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بایاں پاؤں پوجنا سے کیا مراد ہے؟...?

(i) استاد ماننا
(ii) مخلوق کی عبادت کرنا

(iii) تقدس کا احترام
(iv) کسی کو کافر کہنا

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Ohad is located near __________...?

(i) Makkah
(ii) Madina

(iii) Syria
(iv) Baghdad

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All replied E-mails are stored in a _____ folder...?

(i) Drafts
(ii) Inbox

(iii) Sent
(iv) Trash

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Herb-e-Fajjar means ...?

(i) war fought in the probihited months
(ii) war fought against kuffar

(iii) war fought for Islam
(iv) war fought for the protection of Kaaba

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Carpenter is to wood as a tailor is to ?...?

(i) Machine
(ii) Ship

(iii) Cloth
(iv) Shop

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Writ of Habeas Copus means that...?

(i) You have the body to submit or answer
(ii) Mandatory relief remit

(iii) A wrong doer
(iv) None of these

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Which product of Microsoft is not available in Linux operating system:...?

(i) Open Source
(ii) MS Access

(iii) Command Line Interface
(iv) None of these

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