The first SAARC summit was held at...? Mcqs

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The first SAARC summit was held at...?

(i) New Delhi
(ii) Dhaka

(iii) Islamabad
(iv) Nepal

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How far is the Dead Sea before Mediterranean...?

(i) 250 Meters
(ii) 300 Meters

(iii) 430 Meters
(iv) 1000 Meters

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The only language which the computer understands is...?

(i) Machine Language
(ii) Binary language

(iii) Basic
(iv) All of these

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Which of the following balance does the contra-asset account show typically...?

(i) Credit
(ii) Debit

(iii) Negative
(iv) Positive

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________was a prominent Punjabi folk music singer of Pakistan, credited with popularizing the musical term Jugni...?

(i) Inayut Hussain Bhatti
(ii) Tufail Niazi

(iii) Alam Lohar
(iv) None of these

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In a Windows PC, Ctrl+Y Powerpoint is the shortcut for:...?

(i) Redoing
(ii) Undoing

(iii) Yosernite
(iv) Year wise arrangement

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Deepest ocean is...?

(i) Pacific
(ii) Atlantic

(iii) Indian
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Defamation is __________...?

(i) Libel
(ii) Slander

(iii) C both A and B
(iv) Commendation

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What is Nuclear Fission...?

(i) Atom splits into two masses
(ii) Small atoms join each other

(iii) Helium broken into proton and electron
(iv) All of these

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NATO Summit 2025 will be held in...?

(i) Belgium
(ii) Netherlands

(iii) Germany
(iv) Poland

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