The function of Hazrat jibra’eel (AS) is to______________...? Mcqs

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The function of Hazrat jibra’eel (AS) is to______________...?

(i) Make rain and supply of food to Allah’s creatures
(ii) Take out souls f life bearing creatures

(iii) Bring Allah’s message and commands to his prophets (AS)
(iv) Blow the trumpet on the day of judgment

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What is literally meaning of surah Al falaq...?

(i) To help
(ii) Clot of blood

(iii) The Daybreak
(iv) Expansion

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How many Surah the Holy Quran contains...?

(i) 114
(ii) 113

(iii) 112
(iv) 116

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In MS Excel, we can add chart from__ tab....?

(i) File
(ii) Chart

(iii) Insert
(iv) None of these

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In which of the following countries, 240 years old monarchy was abolished in 20008....?

(i) Sweden
(ii) Brunei

(iii) Bhutan
(iv) Nepal

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Who is the current Prime Minister of the UK...?

(i) Boris Johnson
(ii) Liz Truss

(iii) Rishi Sunak
(iv) Keir Starmer

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Who was the compiler of Al-Mouta...?

(i) Imam Maalik Bin Anas
(ii) Imam Shafi

(iii) Imam Ahmad Bin Hambal
(iv) Imam Abu Hanifa Bukhari

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If Mundane : Spiritual, then:...?

(i) Common Ghostly
(ii) Worldly: Unworldly

(iii) Routine: Novel
(iv) None of these

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بنی اسرائیل جس بچھڑے کی پوجا کرتے تھے اس کی آواز کس سے ملتی تھی ؟...?

(i) گائے کی
(ii) بیل کی

(iii) گھوڑے کی
(iv) گدھے کی

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A group of Christianity that emphasizes the authority of the bible and the importance personal salvation through faith is called...?

(i) Evangelical
(ii) Protestant

(iii) Catholic
(iv) None of these

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