The Greater Thal Canal (GTC) draws water from the _____...? Mcqs

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The Greater Thal Canal (GTC) draws water from the _____...?

(i) Chashma-Jhelum
(ii) Indus River

(iii) Chenab River
(iv) None of these

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Who was the first Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkwa...?

(i) Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan
(ii) Dr. Khan Sahib

(iii) Abdur Rehman Hooti
(iv) Dr. Ali Khan

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ضرب المثل مکمل کریں ایک پنتھ _____۔کاج...?

(i) دو
(ii) تین

(iii) دس
(iv) none

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Rasputin in a notorious character of History, to which country did he belong...?

(i) Germany
(ii) Israel

(iii) Itley
(iv) Russia

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How many stages of the Quran are there...?

(i) 2 stages
(ii) 4 stages

(iii) 7 stages
(iv) 9 stages

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Biogas produced as a result of anaerobic decay of organic matter consist primarily of __________ gases...?

(i) N₂ & SO2
(ii) NH3 & CO2

(iii) O2 & N₂
(iv) None of these

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Annapurna is the tenth highest mountain in the world, Its height is_________...?

(i) 7,091 meters
(ii) 8,000 meters

(iii) 8,091 meters
(iv) 9,000 meters

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"Gulliver's Travels" was written by...?

(i) Jonathan Swift
(ii) H C Armstrong

(iii) Pearl S Buck
(iv) James Frazer

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What is the annual number of live births per 1,000 people called...?

(i) Crude Birth rate
(ii) Total fertilely rate

(iii) gross reproduction rate
(iv) none of these

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Find the appropriate analogy:Shepherd: Sheep:...?

(i) Sociologist: Statistics
(ii) Driver: Conveyances

(iii) Gardner: Plants
(iv) Artist: Murals

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