The greater than sign is an example of ________ operation...? Mcqs

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The greater than sign is an example of ________ operation...?

(i) Arithmetic
(ii) Logical

(iii) Conditional
(iv) Greater

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A case of exploding mangoes is a book written by __________...?

(i) Khurshid qasoori
(ii) Muhammad sharif

(iii) Muhammad yunas
(iv) Muhammad hanif

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What is total area of pakistan in square kilometers...?

(i) 796096 km2
(ii) 881913 km2

(iii) 695095 km2
(iv) None of these

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Which country hosted the G20 summit in 2024...?

(i) Brazil
(ii) India

(iii) China
(iv) South Africa

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Which is the longest Canal in the world with a length of 1776 km and also considered UNESCO World Heritage site ...?

(i) Grand Eurasia Canal
(ii) Suez Canal

(iii) Grand Canal
(iv) Qaraqum Canal

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Headquarter of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is in _______________...?

(i) Thimphu
(ii) Phnom Penh

(iii) Beijing
(iv) Seoul

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For creating new email from...?

(i) Sign in
(ii) Sign up

(iii) create new email
(iv) none

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On which of the follwing Zakat money can be spent...?

(i) Parents
(ii) Poor Muslims

(iii) Non Muslims
(iv) None of Them

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Choose the synonym of Grief ...?

(i) Happiness
(ii) Sorrow

(iii) Love
(iv) None of these

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Badshahi mosque is in Lahore built by in 1673...?

(i) Jahangir
(ii) Akbar

(iii) Shah Jahan
(iv) Aurangzeb

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