The Head of UNO is:...? Mcqs

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The Head of UNO is:...?

(i) Elon Musk
(ii) Marcus Pleyer

(iii) Antonio Guterres
(iv) None of these

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Name the French sculptor who carved “The Statue of Liberty”...?

(i) Joseph Conrad
(ii) Thomas Park

(iii) Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi
(iv) William Napoleon

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What is subway...?

(i) A road or path raised above ground level
(ii) Short passage to any place

(iii) Underground passage
(iv) None of these

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The oldest monarchy in the world is that of...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Nepal

(iii) UK
(iv) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Diego Garcia is Indian ocean...?

(i) Japan military base in the
(ii) US

(iii) Germany
(iv) Russia

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Who is the Chief Executive of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan...?

(i) Ashraf Ghani
(ii) Abdullah Abdullah

(iii) Salahuddin Rabbani
(iv) None of these

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The term "Islam" means:...?

(i) Submission
(ii) Peace

(iii) Fortitude
(iv) Thankfulness

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Who wrote Myth of Independence...?

(i) Gen Zia Ul Haq
(ii) Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

(iii) Ashfaq Kyani
(iv) Parvez Musharaf

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To make an uncharged object to have a negative charge we must...?

(i) Remove some portion
(ii) Add some atoms

(iii) Add some electrons
(iv) None of these

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Kobe Bryant professional basketball player of US died earlier in Helicopter crash in which state...?

(i) Florida
(ii) Illinois

(iii) California
(iv) None of these

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