The headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is in_________? Mcqs

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The headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is in_________?

(i) Rome, Italy
(ii) Paris, France

(iii) New York, US
(iv) None

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An accomplice means any person who is:...?

(i) Public Officer
(ii) Complainant

(iii) A guilty associate or a partner in crime
(iv) Police Officer

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Barack Hussein Obama was the President of USA...?

(i) 42nd
(ii) 43rd

(iii) 44th
(iv) 40th

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قرآن مجید میں کل ـــــ سورتیں آئیں ...?

(i) $1
(ii) 115

(iii) 71
(iv) 114

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The procedure of shattering the gallstones and kidney stones by shockwaves is called:...?

(i) MRI
(ii) Kidney Surgery

(iii) Angiography
(iv) Lithiotripsy

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By converting 75% into fraction, answer will be:...?

(i) 3/4
(ii) 2/3

(iii) 1/3
(iv) 1/4

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This first flight of the Shaheen in 1999 was fired from the Base. .?

(i) Ormara
(ii) Chaghi

(iii) Sonmiani Naval
(iv) Mehran

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Which country exited the European Union in 2020...?

(i) France
(ii) Germany

(iii) Italy
(iv) UK

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Blindness is to the Eye as Deafness is to _____...?

(i) Ear
(ii) Brain

(iii) Head
(iv) Nose

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Square root of 64. What equal amount of coins of Rs. 1 makes total 1152...?

(i) 144
(ii) 225

(iii) 188
(iv) 8

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