The highest mountain peak Mount Everest has been named after Col. George Everest who was...? Mcqs

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The highest mountain peak Mount Everest has been named after Col. George Everest who was...?

(i) Commandant of 1st Mountain infantry unit
(ii) A Commander of Golsch

(iii) A political agent N.W.F.P
(iv) Surveyor General of India

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Synonym of “wraith” is _________...?

(i) apparition
(ii) garland

(iii) Christmas decoration
(iv) anger

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The synonym of gather is...?

(i) Convene
(ii) Throw

(iii) Fleck
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of FALLACIOUS is...?

(i) Credit
(ii) Clean

(iii) Truthful
(iv) Dishonest

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“Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah The story of a Nation” is a biography of Quaid-e-Azam written by...?

(i) Ayesha Jalal
(ii) G Alana

(iii) Stanley Wolpert
(iv) Hector Bolitho

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On whose suggestion The Holy Prophet (PBUH) decided to release the prisoners of Badr war after taking ransom...?

(i) Hazrat Abu bakar R.A
(ii) Hazrat Ali R.A

(iii) Hazrat Umar R.A
(iv) Hazrat Usman R.A

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CATL stands for __________....?

(i) Chinese All in one Technology Co. Limited
(ii) Coercive Ambient Technology Co. Limited

(iii) Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited
(iv) Cyniong Alegrabi Technology Co. Limited

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The ratio of ages of two students is 3: 2. One is older to the other by 5 years. What is the age of the younger student?...?

(i) 2 years
(ii) 10 years

(iii) 15 years
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

“Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah The story of a Nation” is a biography of Quaid-e-Azam written by...?

(i) Ayesha Jalal
(ii) G Alana

(iii) Stanley Wolpert
(iv) Hector Bolitho

Latest MCQs

Who among the following accepted Din-i-llahi:...?

(i) Todermal
(ii) Tansen

(iii) Birbal
(iv) Man Singh

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