The Holy Prophet was born in the month Of____________...? Mcqs

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The Holy Prophet was born in the month Of____________...?

(i) Jamadi-ul-Awwal
(ii) Rabi-us-Sani

(iii) Jamadius-Sani
(iv) Rabi ul Awwal

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Synonym of ” Vie ” is _____________...?

(i) Compete
(ii) Kowtow

(iii) Censure
(iv) Sanction

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In order to edit a chart, you can _______...?

(i) Click the chart object
(ii) Triple click the chart object

(iii) Click and drag the chart object
(iv) Double click the chart object

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Change voice: Please give me your pen take your seat...?

(i) Let your pen given me and take your seat.
(ii) You are requested to give me your pen and take your seat

(iii) You are warned to give me your pen and take your seat
(iv) You are ordered to give me your pen and take your seat

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Mount Isa is a city located in which country...?

(i) Uk
(ii) Canada

(iii) Australia
(iv) France

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The Headquarters of which of the following organizations is located in Addis Ababa...?

(i) UNEP
(ii) UNIDO

(iii) ESCAP
(iv) AU

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The decided to buy the house because ______ location would allow ______ to get to work very easily...?

(i) its / them
(ii) its / him

(iii) it / them
(iv) None of these

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The Synonym of ‘snollygoster’ is...?

(i) Unprincipled Politician
(ii) Sneak

(iii) Garrulous
(iv) None of these

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In MS-Excel 'cells' can be uniquely identified by:...?

(i) Colum letters and row numbers
(ii) Column numbers and row letters

(iii) Numbers only
(iv) Rows only

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What should be done after fixing a problem or installing a new application or making configuration in a computer...?

(i) Hibernate
(ii) Restart

(iii) Shutdown
(iv) Sleep

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