The Indo-Pakistan war of 1965 or the second Kashmir war continued for how many days...? Mcqs

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The Indo-Pakistan war of 1965 or the second Kashmir war continued for how many days...?

(i) 10
(ii) 12

(iii) 17
(iv) 25

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Cuban revolutionary leader “Che Guevara” was_______by profession....?

(i) Teacher
(ii) Physician

(iii) Lawyer
(iv) None

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حد قذف اور حد زنا کس سورہ میں ہے؟...?

(i) سورہ النور
(ii) سورہ بقرہ

(iii) سورہ نوح
(iv) سورہ النساء

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Antonyms of enormous...?

(i) combine
(ii) Tiny

(iii) Large
(iv) shiny

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“Khateeb-e-Rasoolullah (SAW)” is the title of ______________...?

(i) Hazrat Shoaib Roomi (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Thabit bin Qais (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Harith bin Suraqa (RA)
(iv) None of these

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A person who has an intention to offer only Umra at Meeqat is called_______...?

(i) Qaran
(ii) Mufrid

(iii) Mutamtae
(iv) None of them

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Baglihar Dam is constructed in occupied Kashmir on river...?

(i) Indus
(ii) helum

(iii) Chenab
(iv) Ravi

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Which of the following divine book is called ' Old Testament'...?

(i) Zuboor
(ii) Torait

(iii) Injeel
(iv) None of these

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Think and Grow Richwas written by:...?

(i) Napoleon Hill
(ii) Anthony Robbins

(iii) Stephen Covey
(iv) Dale Carnegle

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During the Mughal rule “Bakhsi” was ______...?

(i) incharge of military affairs
(ii) finance minister

(iii) incharge of religious affairs
(iv) minister of the royal household

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