The intersection of a column and row in a spreadsheet is called..? Mcqs

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The intersection of a column and row in a spreadsheet is called..?

(i) Key
(ii) Cell

(iii) Field
(iv) Menu

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The world's largest number of newspapers are published from...?

(i) America
(ii) China

(iii) Russia
(iv) India

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Holy Prophet (SAWS) laboured in the construction of which mosque...?

(i) Masjid-e-Nabvi
(ii) Masjid-e-Haram

(iii) Masjid-e-Quba
(iv) Masjid-e-Qiblatein

Latest MCQs

What is the term for the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access...?

(i) Compression
(ii) Decryption

(iii) Encryption
(iv) None of these

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Siddhartha was written by...?

(i) Jane Austern
(ii) Charles Dickens

(iii) John Milton
(iv) Hermann Hesse

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Durand line was demarcated in which year...?

(i) 1891
(ii) 1893

(iii) 1895
(iv) 1897

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پاکستان میں بجلی بنانے کا سب سے بڑا ذریعہ کونسا ہے۔۔۔؟

(i) پانی
(ii) تھرمل

(iii) ہوا
(iv) سولر

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Amapola Flyg is the airline of________...?

(i) Slovenia
(ii) Thailand

(iii) Malaysia
(iv) Sweden

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Choose the most suitable synonym of underlined word: She was disgusted by her friend's outrageous behavior...?

(i) Threatening
(ii) Shocking

(iii) Unbecoming
(iv) Unacoontable

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In the early period which endemic is called Black Death:...?

(i) SARS
(ii) Leprosy

(iii) Plague
(iv) None of these

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